Picture of the week: poppies ornamenting the giant pannicles of the wisteria. My guess is that this is the Japanese wisteria Kuchibeni. The more common Chinese wisteria, wisteria sinensis, grows near the drive (see below).
Near the shop, weigela 'Bristol Ruby' flowers for 6 months, though many weigelas give up after a month.
Wisteria sinensis, the Chinese wisteria.
Bearded iris, one of many at their best this week
One of the long beds, full currently with the purple/black aquilega vulgaris
A gracious aquilegia against a frolicking sky
Layers of white, thalictrum in fron, rose in the middle and vibernum behind.
Two studies of the mulberry tree
The rose rosa rugosa
Variegated weigela near the rustic walkway. The flowers vary from pink to white as they age.
The ornamental poppy
Three studies in Japanese wisteria.
Grannies bonnet or aquilegia
Hemerocalis or day lilies
Poppies about to pop
In front of the solanum (potato vine) these thalictrums are about to thalict.
Studies in white
Mock orange, philadelpus.
The 'old fashioned' Dunwich Rose, by the front wall.
Intimate picture of this yellow bearded iris
Vivid lime green of the euphorbia
Giant alliums
Three pictures of the medlar in flower.
A blue corner, near the porch
The porch, honeysuckle over, London Pride beneath
The rose avenue.
Epimedium has a tiny but beautiful flower, by the wall near the rose avenue.
Climbing rose in outbuilding wall
Sunflower sentinels, with heuchera coral bells beneath.
Two quince flowers
Chestnut in flower, detail and tree
Interesting to see the structure of the mulberry tree before the leaves hide it
Choisa, Mexican orange blossom, with Virginia Creeper at the back door. A goldfinch was playing in it at the time.
The rustic walkway
The side wall border.
Apple blossom in front of the mulberry and house.